Saturday, September 22, 2007

Class Notes - Aug 29, 2007


A – Analysis
  • Collect data that will impact the design.
  • Questions to ask:
  • Need for Instruction *Goals of Instruction
  • Characteristics of Target Group
  • Skills/knowledge needed to learn
  • Contexts of the Instruction
D – Design
  • Come up with the idea; “This is what we’re going to do….”
  • Blueprint process
  • Try and thin of everything, try to lessen surprises!
  • Teaching – How?
  • Assessment – How?
D – Development
  • Production of materials
  • Medium? Text, Audio, Visual (8 types)
  • Cost/Budget?
  • Time?
I – Implementation
  • Purpose of Instructional Design process
  • Trying to control variables (time, materials, students, etc.)
  • * The actual “doing!!”
E – Evaluation
  • Provide the designer with information to improve instruction
  • One-to-one
  • Small group
  • Field trial
As an ID novice, I'm looking at the ADDIE format and really liking it. I am a list maker, I like to know what I've done, know what needs to be done and know how I'm going to do it. That's the way I approach my lesson plans at school. Without putting a fancy acronym to it, I've been using a modified version of ADDIE. Hopefully, that will help with this class and, ultimately, becoming an Instructional Designer.

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