Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Final Presentations

It's the end! In class tonight each group is presenting their ID projects.

1. Teri, Pete, Roger, and Rick

Project: Help an instructor take an existing class and turn it into an online course
The Instructor Packet For an online course, experienced instructor CD containing PowerPoint
* Guides instructor through the process of converting a class * New terms and definitions * Deliver objectives of module * Awesome instant assessment button pad - I love this. If it were cost effective I'd implement this in my classroom - - Turning Point response card, a set of 30 is about $900 * Nine modules to walk through conversion process This was a great idea for a project. It's very valuable in a an age where online learnings is exploding. The layout of the modules was user friendly and had several formative assessments in place. I'd be interested in trying this out. It would be fun to convert one of my classes into a WebCT type program.

2. Ross, Katie, and Alison

Project: Impromptu Speech Workshop

3 Day After School Workshop

Loved the non-example - poor George W. blundering through public speeches. Was he this bad during his election campaign?? Learned something new: an AGD is an Attention Getting Device I like the idea of breaking this information down into a 3 day project. That would give the students enough time to see examples, process what they've learned, and practice a bit.

3. Team 5

Project: Pro Painting Tips
Self-paced project (much like ours), using simple handouts that could be pulled out and used. I like it. I'd use it - it's a project very similar to ours. It's interesting to hear how their thoughts mirrored ours. For example, we contemplated having instructor-led learning, and rejected that. We developed a do-it-yourself pamphlet that requires basic home repair skills. We also wanted to create a document that listed steps, and could be taken out easily. Thank you lamination.

4. Camille, Shannon, Lorraine
Project: How to Podcast

2 Day Workshop -
* Introduce podcasting with a PowerPoint (What is a podcast? How are they used? Etc.)
* Model, Practice, Model, Practice
I know nothing about creating a podcast. I've listened to them, but never made one. Having the ability to create a podcast is quite a valuable tool, though. A teacher could use podcasts for Back-to-School Night, P/T Conferences, student based projects and so on.

I've thought about having my ESL students create podcasts as a way for them to practice listening and speaking. The problem is, I need to know how to do it myself before assigning it. I would really enjoy attending a workshop like this. It's a great idea.

- Podbean is a site that helps set up podcasting accounts. It's a hosting site. I've already set up an account and plan on playing around with a site to figure out how to do this. The podcasts you create can be uploaded to iTunes or linked to personal websites.

5. Group 1 - yours truly.
We are apparently trying to prove ourselves underachievers of the highest order. We're ready to share our end product, but have no fancy visuals or videos. It's quite sad. Our final project looks good though.

6. Lisa, Randy, Scott
Project: How to Make Focaccia Bread

This group targeted their instruction towards bakers with some experience who were being taught to make focaccia bread. They created a laminated card that outlined the steps. The bread they brought is delicious. I must say, I'd rather buy it than make it. :)

7. Jill, Richard
Project: How to Navigate Down a River
This project is intended to teach the river guides how to give their safety speech. Their producible is a pamphlet that goes over safety speeches, levels of river danger, and a standardized checklist of information that clients would need to receive. Very interesting idea. It continually amazes me to think of all the different areas Instructional Design delves into. As Dr. Monson is always saying, think outside the classroom. Move away from instructor-led, traditional instruction.

verall, I'm very impressed with my classmates. We've seen some fabulous projects this evening. It's nice to be crossing the finishing line.

This has been an interesting semester. My brain has been stretched and pulled in all sorts of directions. I'm excited to develop more projects, now that I've got my feet wet with our tire changing project and semester project.


kevdawg said...

Good notes on the final night. Smart to write these during class. Speaking from team five, I liked your final materials better than ours - nice and simple, compact, and easy to separate. Nice job to your whole team. Your notes in the blog are really well done & presented well - easy to shoot through them.

Let me know if you have more blogs to post by next week.

kevdawg said...

Hi Leilani - just re-reading your 12/5 blog and saw your review of Team one's presentation and project.
The team presentation may not have been fancy, but I think the 3 of you presented a good, clear summary of the whole project.
And your final delivery is very good - which is what counts for this sort of project.
This is "less is more" type project - clear and simple & I think you guys hit the mark.
All the best - KDolan